Thursday, April 10, 2008

Where am I?

I have been utterly broken and am at the point of seeing how self-obsessed I am, how selfish I am, and how little my life really has to do with the things of God. I have begun to realize how much my life and thoughts revolve around me, and how badly my walk with God is defined by my performance for Him. My relationship with God has been defined by my output for Him, and although doing things for God isn’t a bad thing, my heart behind the matter is. I have been trying to get closer to God by doing things for Him, but the fact of the matter is that nothing I do for God will ever bring me closer to Him. I have been caught in this trap of defining my relationship with God by who I am and what I do for Him, rather than by who God is and what He has done for me. My whole pattern of thinking has shifted off of what God has done and has shifted onto what I am doing. That’s self-obsession. I have been brought to a place of repentance, and am truly experiencing what it means to be in desperate need of the love and forgiveness of Christ.

-burton 261E


Jackie said...

If we can come to this conclusion, we will begin to look a whole more like Jesus and whole less like this world.

I love it Burties.

brittany said...

"My relationship with God has been defined by my output for Him, and although doing things for God isn’t a bad thing, my heart behind the matter is."

You see the core issue! It's crucial that we do and realize how we're handling it.