Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I think that those who don't know what they're going to do after college haven't found out what God has called them to do yet, and that's exactly why they have such a problem with planning out their career. These students ask the question "How much income will I earn with the least amount of effort put into the job and how can I be successful?" rather than "What can I do to change the world and how can I best use the time, talent, and resources that have been given to me?" God is trying to give them the opportunity to seek His will but they just haven't asked how to serve Him yet. They haven't asked Him what He created them for. Instead, they are looking at how they can best serve themselves. Whether that's by providing for their family or in buying a brand new sports car, they pursue the dream of being "financially secure", which is an unattainable and entrapping dream in itself. The love of money is the root of all evil. That love starts with a 'pursuit' and results in a life tainted with bitter emptiness.

-burton 261E

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