Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Opinion of the Bible.

The Bible is the most extraordinary book of all time. Read it. Read it. Read it. And when you've finished reading it, read it again. And even after all of that reading, you won't be finished reading it, but will only have begun to read it for all it's worth.

-burton 261e

Friday, June 5, 2009

When the New is Old and the Old is New.

This world is marked with the forgetfulness of all of its inhabitants and embroidered with the worthlessness of human wisdom within it. Every road has already been trampled upon by those that came before us. Any new thought, any new idea, is just a an old idea that has been recently forgotten so that it appears to be something new and fresh, 'original' even. However, that same thought or idea can be seen written more freshly and newly on the pages of ancient history.

No man has in himself anything new, apart from God.

-burton 261e

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Every Day.

How faithful is God?:

Every day, He has wholly provided for me.
Every day, He has been there with me.
Every day, He has fully loved me.
I, however, cannot say the same about myself.
Every day, I have refused to give Him all of my provisions.
Every day, I have left Him on numerous occasions.
Every day, I have at most only partially loved Him.

I am forced to hold fast to God because I know myself, and myself, I know I cannot trust.

In Christ alone.

-burton 261e