Thursday, April 24, 2008


Sometimes I tend to think that we would be better off if we didn't have emotion. If we didn't have to deal with the feelings that motivate us in positive and negative ways. If we didn't have to experience the pain of sorrow or the agony of depression, or go through trials and tribulations and feel what seems like inescapable sadness at times. And without emotion we would be able to think objectively, hopping over emotional attachment and using pure reason and logic to bring us to truth instead of wondering if we are truly being brought to truth by our feelings. Of course with the removal of these negative feelings come the taking away of the positive ones as well, but to me this wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. We could truly base love off of being a choice rather than off of feelings which are the product of loving someone. Sure we would be emotionless beings, but then we wouldn't have this huge struggle of being whipped around on an emotional roller coaster on a daily basis. It's an interesting thought to say the least.

-burton 261E

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