Thursday, April 17, 2008

True Brotherhood.

Imagine in your mind what it would look like for you to be surrounded by a group of men who are absolutely devoted to loving one another and who encourage one another to go above and beyond culture's standard of living and instead pursue the standards that Christ has placed for the role of men as spiritual leaders. Imagine a collective group of men, dissatisfied with the general status quo and striving to be set apart in every aspect of life so as to bring the most glory to God and the least glory to themselves. Picture a group of brothers who genuinely care for each other and will without hesitation lay down their lives for one another. Think of men who lift up the weaker brother, don't meddle with mediocrity, leave behind a life of complacency, stand for integrity, fight for accountability, live for serving opportunity, give themselves to loyalty, stop at nothing until they reach Christ-centrality, trust genuinely, and above all else love honestly. True brotherhood I have found.