Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tears of Joy

Since the beginning of last Fall semester the fear of losing my Dad to cancer weighed very heavily on me. When my Dad told me about his condition I was forced on my knees to cry out to God. It's been a rough seven months since that day, but God has ALWAYS been faithful to me and my family. He has carried us through this, and has brought us out of all of this so much stronger. This morning my Mom left me a voicemail. She said that Dad's doctor's report was great! His doctor indicated his blood report was normal and his spleen was not enlarged. He will take the Rituxan next week and should be in remission for years. God is so good! I can't believe that I'm going to have my Dad around for more years to come! God I can't thank you enough! Thank you to all who prayed faithfully for my Dad, thank you! Thank you for this wonderful moment of bathing in these tears of joy.

PSALM 66:16-20
All believers, come here and listen,
let me tell you what God did for me.
I called out to him with my mouth,
my tongue shaped the sounds of music.
If I had been cozy with evil.
the Lord would never have listened.
But he most surely did listen,
he came on the double when he heard my prayer.
Blessed be God; he didn't turn a deaf ear,
he stayed with me, loyal in his love.


-burton 261E

1 comment:

Marty said...

This is my son with whom I am well pleased! Dad