Thursday, October 16, 2008

True Love.

Love is not desire, as Professor Dallas Willard would say. Desire seeks to have it's way with what is desired. It wants to eat it. It craves it, but it does not love it. Desire does not want to serve the beloved, for the beloved is not a beloved at all but is rather the belusted; treated by the one desiring it's own way without any respect for her at all.

Love seeks the good of that which is loved.

True love is marked by giving, not getting. Just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for us, so we too are to exemplify His love for one another by living for one another in an exceedingly sacrificial way. Go above and beyond in loving one another. Evoke the beloveds' beauty with your love. Bring out the best in the one whom you love. If you want to love as Christ loves, you must give your whole being to the practice of love, treating others as you would want to be treated. You cannot do this apart from God. You need His generous love abiding in you in order for you to truly love as Jesus has loved. The more time you spend in the presence of the One who is Love [God], the more readily you will become a loving being. Dwell with Him, love Him, and learn to love like Him.

-burton 261E


SuaVe 248E said...

Beloved BM, this is so rad. I'm always encouraged by your life! I love you and thank you for always bringing out the best in people, especially in our friendship. Keep it Real :) Chuds for Life.

kaysi van dyke fox said...

niiiiiiiiick davis!!! i found you on here!! anyways, i really like your blog!! you're awesome!!